Electrically conductive composites and inks

Graphene significantly enhances the electrical conductivity of composites and inks, offering superior performance for advanced electronics and flexible circuits

We specialize in the production of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) suitable for the development of high-performing, electrically conductive composites and inks. rGO is a cost-effective and scalable alternative to pristine graphene, offering excellent conductivity and versatility for various applications.

What are conductive inks?

Conductive inks are liquids infused with electrically conductive nanomaterials such as graphene. These inks are combined with a stabilizer to achieve optimal consistency for precise printing. The resulting print conducts electricity and can replace wires and copper tracks. This way, complex electronic circuits can be printed cost-effectively.

What are conductive composites?

Conductive composites contain electrically conductive nanomaterials like graphene. These composites provide added functionalities, including electrostatic dissipation, improved mechanical properties, and superior electrical conductivity. This technology allows for the cost-effective production of flexible transparent displays, supercapacitors and sensors.

Boost electrical conductivity in composites and inks with graphene

Electrical conductivity is crucial for the performance of advanced electronics and flexible circuits. By integrating graphene, composites and inks can gain remarkable properties:

High conductivity

Dramatically improved electrical conductivity, enabling faster and more efficient electron transport. Graphene comprises a vast carbon-carbon bond network connected in a hexagonal 2D pattern, with electrons above and below acting as electron highways.

Enhanced durability

Provides robustness and longevity, reducing wear and tear from electrical currents. The carbon-carbon matrix makes the materials exceptionally strong and durable, even stronger than steel, while still remaining lightweight.

Thin yet powerful

Enables the creation of lightweight and thin devices without sacrificing electrical performance. Even a single sheet of Graphene with the thickness of a single carbon atom has 70 % higher conductivity than that of copper, commonly used in electronic components.

Flexible and adaptable

Can be bent and integrated into various shapes without breaking, making it exceptional for applications such as flexible electronics and wearable technology.

Let’s collaborate!

At LayerOne we’re seeking partners for integrating reduced graphene oxide into electrically conductive composites and inks to enhance their performance.

Application areas




Flexible electronics

EMI Shielding


Sports equipment

Batteries & fuel cells


Icon for Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, featuring an orange background, the number 9, and a graphic of three white interconnected cubes symbolizing resilient infrastructure and sustainable industrialization.

Supporting SDG 9 and 12

Graphene's enhancement of electrically conductive composites and inks significantly boosts the efficiency and sustainability of electronic devices, promoting innovative industrial applications and reducing resource consumption through enhanced performance and durability. Graphene is eco-friendly, comprising only carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Compared to traditional alternatives such as transition metals and hazardous polymers, it doesn't pose any risk to health and the environment.